Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance reviews

Theatr na n'Og

Theatr na n'Og- the Sinking of the Arandora Star , Dylan Thomas Theatre, Swansea , September 29, 2011
Theatr na n'Og by Theatr na n'Og- the Sinking of the Arandora Star

IT is far too long since I have seen a dramatic production of this quality, with not a weak spot in its tight weave at all.

And since the piece was made to measure primarily for school pupils I was surprised to find it pack such an intense emotional wallop.

Four actors took on all the roles in the story, told by Lina (Lynwen Haf Roberts) a daddy's girl whose father Guido (Rhys Saunders) is dragged from his Mumbles cafe by his former dominoes partner PC Dai Evans (Dafydd Rhys Evans) to be taken off on the ill-fated ship to an internment camp.

The piece pin-balled from heart-tugging emotional moments to broad, winning comedy — thanks largely to the deft physical comedy skills of Dafydd Rhys Evans — to gripping and tense drama.

Twenty-one-year-old Lynwen Haf Roberts captured the ebullience and vulnerability of 14-year-old Lina beautifully, while Rhys Saunders and Ruth Lloyd as her parents both put in exceptional performances.

With many in South Wales — some among last night's audience — having their own tales of the Arandora Star disaster, of grandparents and parents who were scarred by the event, the task of collating their experiences and creating a piece of theatre which did them justice was never going to be easy.

But director Phylip Harries and co-writers Geinor Styles and Mali Tudno Jones have created a heartfelt, fluent and beautiful piece of work.

Reviewed by: Kate Clarke, South Wales Evening Post

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