Theatre in Wales

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A new play from Gary Owen, the 41st most powerful man in the arts in Wales (Western Mail) and ” Wales hottest young playwright” (North American Press) receives its first outing as a script-held performance in Michael Kelligan’s current ‘On The Edge’ Season at the at The Media Point, Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff on Wednesday 9th November at 8PM Tickets £3 (on the door)

LANDMARKS is a succinct and tense drama set in a TV reality show. Gary Owen is a polished, shrewd observer and wry commentator on the human psyche. His play provides us with the need to pinch ourselves to check that we really are still here!

The play will be directed by, arguably, Wales hottest up and coming young director, Adele Thomas, best known for the exciting emerging work of her own company ‘Ruth is Stranger than Richard’.

But there’s even more! -

LANDMARKS is part of a double bill with HOUSE OF BROKEN LOVE by Stephen Marzella best known for his work as an actor with Clwyd Theatr Cymru where he won the Theatre-in-Wales best actor award for his performance in Arthur Miller’s A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE. Recently he appeared in Chapter’s ‘Passion’ season in Roger Williams’ new play MOTHER TONGUE.

HOUSE OF BROKEN LOVE is a very moving and tender up dating of a little known story by Dostoevsky. It will be directed by David Prince who is a frequent guest director with Theatr Na Nog.

As well as introducing new writers ‘On The Edge’ continues to present the work of Wales leading playwrights. LANDMARKS comes between the presentation of the latest work from Patrick Jones, ABSENTS, “the force of the writing and the powerful performances ensure that we are caught up in this modern melodrama” (David Adams) and a revival of Ed Thomas most successful and “fizzingly exciting” 1998 play GAS STATION ANGEL to be directed by Michael Kelligan.

‘On The Edge’ is sponsored by Parthian Books and works with the support of the Arts Council of Wales
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Michael Kelligan
Thursday, November 3, 2005back



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