Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance reviews

"Cut the Pompous Jargon"

Public Culture: Public Communication

The Torch Does It Right , Theatre Communications , March 2, 2023
Public Culture: Public Communication by The Torch Does It Right A pair of theatre writers looked at theatre communication in 2017. Steve Stratford, a strong theatre critic in North Wales now regretfully retired, looked at the programme that accompanied a production he was reviewing.

“Written in the purplest of prose”, he wrote, “which seems designed to turn people off to the arts. Using such florid, ostentatious language to communicate with audiences is an all too common mistake in the arts.

“How can you hope to attract new people to experiences such as this when you alienate them with talk of “philosophical resonance”, the struggle of “stepping away from documentation” and every day being “illuminated by profound tendernesses”. For heaven’s sake, just say what you mean, please!”

Lyn Gardner wrote in the same season: “It's time theatre cut the pompous jargon. Why do creative people”, she asked, “who are highly skilled in communicating to an audience, suddenly become unintelligible when talking or writing about their own shows?”

The article prompted some sparky replies “Clarity is courtesy in print. And jargon is simply bad manners”. “One of the surest signs...of intellectual mediocrity is reliance on the polysyllabic vocabulary of professional jargon.”

The summary of 2022- ”My Year of Theatre” 5th January- contained: “A word missing so far is candour. It has allies, the words commitment and courage. Public art in Wales is lacking in candour.

“It is up to companies whether they make any disclosure or summing-ups. There is no good reason why beneficiaries of public funding, from the Arts Council of Wales outwards, should not put a few paragraphs of summary into the public sphere.”

* * * *

A press release this month from the Torch spoke of events that were to come over the next half-year.

The message it contained was clear; the images were strong; the text was economical.

A day later a second message came with a heading to it: “(Ooops, we put our foot in it?)” In fact the content was unchanged, the only difference being that “shows” had been amended to “SHOWS”.

As a communication it caught the eye and engaged with its tone. With no touring theatre to write about this week it prompted a consideration of theatre and its communications.

* * * *

Candour, clarity, commitment.

These are not taxing principles for recipients of public subsidy to follow when communicating with their public.

The article of 2nd February drew the distinction between rules and codes. Statutory rules pertain as to the information for public authorities. But there are no rules as to communication with the public. The result is a high variation in communication; it is a function of management voluntarism.

Three large companies issued communications at the beginning of 2023. The Torch headed a press release: “Torch Theatre Panto Smashes Box Office Records.” Its text read:

“Milford Haven’s Torch Theatre’s 2022 pantomime, “Sleeping Beauty”, has broken Box Office records to become its best-selling panto ever. The Torch saw record breaking ticket sales of its public performances, with the loveable dame, Fanny the Nanny, played by Dion Davies stealing the show alongside a cast of professional actors including Jâms Thomas, Clêr Stephens, Gwenllian Higginson and Miriam O’Brien.

“Over 6350 pantomime tickets were sold this year compared to the previous record of 5175 set in 2016 and as Chelsey Gillard, the Torch Theatre’s new Artistic Director explains, the panto was a huge success for all:

“We were thrilled to welcome so many families to the Torch to see “Sleeping Beauty” and to spread some festive cheer. We are also very thankful to some very generous companies whose contribution to our Christmas Wishes Campaign allowed us to work with local charities to provide tickets for families who may not otherwise have been able to attend.”

“On top of the public performances, over 30 local schools and community groups enjoyed the performances, including 20 Ukrainian refugees, who saw pantomime for the first time thanks to the support of the Milford Haven Twinning Committee.

"As Chelsey starts her new role, the Torch says a fond farewell to Peter Doran, the Torch Theatre’s Artistic Director for the past 25 years. “Sleeping Beauty” was Peter’s last show as director before his retirement and the record breaking sales are a fitting way to celebrate all his achievements.”

Communication works on two levels. There is the explicit level; a message contains information.

The second level is implicit. It is about relationship, the way that the sender considers the receiver. A message is both report and rapport. Although the first tends to get the attention the fullness of meaning is embodied in the second. There is a fullness in this release. Admittedly Box Office might better be lower-case. But the the qualities that matter- candour, clarity and commitment- are present.

Public communication is the lens into corporate culture. Culture is all-encompassing; to visit the Torch has always been to encounter warmth and informality.

Part 2 to follow.


Steve Stratford:

Lyn Gardner “It's time theatre cut the pompous jargon”:

Reviewed by: Adam Somerset

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