Paul Jeff, Lyn Levett, Richard Morgan, Mike Pearson, John Rowley |
We have information on one play by Paul Jeff, Lyn Levett, Richard Morgan, Mike Pearson, John Rowley
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Carrying Lyn |
presented in 2001
by Pearson Brookes |
That's what we'll do then, John, Richard, Paul and me: carry Lyn Levett from Splott to Canton, on a Saturday night, across the city, singly, in pairs, in trios, navigating the social scene, posing a few estions about gender and mobility, hoping to get away with it. Meanwhile you'll be about to track our progress in Chapter in sound and image between 8pm and 10pm when we hope to arrive with a final account of our journey.' Mike Pearson
On Saturday 2nd June a group of performers embarked on a curious journey across Cardiff.
Paul Jeff, Richard Morgan, Mike Pearson and John Rowley carried actor Lyn Levett from Cardiff Central Station to Chapter, once starting at midday and then again at 8.00 that night.
Both journeys followed the same route and timings but illustrated the differences in the city at these different times of the day.
The route passed 12 fixed points, all of which are different distances apart (the length of Caroline Street, St David's Hospital to Chapter) but each one must be achieved over a period of 10 minutes (A-B, B-C, C-D etc). It is the varying speeds and the periods of waiting when the performers arrive early at a fixed point that created the choreography/dynamic of the work.
Each of the 12 small journeys was videoed and these 10 minute fragments were collected by cycle couriers at each of the 12 fixed points and then taken back to Chapter. At least three 3 couriers were working in relay.
At each of the 12 points, photographer Paul Jeff may also madee a composed photograph and the performers also gave the couriers odd polaroids or objects that they found along the route.
At 8.00pm designer Mike Brookes co-ordinated, devised and animated what happened in the street back at Chapter's theatre in Canton. The video from the first journey was projected and this and other material from the first 'take' was juxtaposed with material coming directly from the streets.