Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Sandy Spence


I have performed in a number of Community Theatre productions in Aberystwyth. Parts played with Castaway Community Theatre were in Ubu Rex, David Copperfield, Crave and Phaedra’s Love (double bill), Treasure Island and The Balcony. Aberystwyth Arts Centre Community Theatre parts were in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Dresser (Review:
My first and to date only paid role was as Morrey in The Bespoke Overcoat
under the direction and guidance of Harry Durnall and his Louche Theatre
in association with Aberystwyth Arts Centre (Review:

I currently work for the Computer Science Department at the University of Wales – Aberystwyth in systems support.

Twenty two years of my life I spent Skydiving, reaching the dizzy heights (excuse the pun) of British Champion on a number of occasions and coaching the Red Devils to Gold standard. Acting gives me the same adrenalin rush.

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