Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Paula Kay Bardowell


to Paula Kay Bardowell
Graduate of Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama (1995)
Black British, Native east ender.

Selected Credits

"Hoxton Story" Dir: Lisa Goldman,
The Red Rooms Theatre Company

"The House Of The Spirits" Dir: Michael Batz,
West Yorkshire Playhouse/ National Tour

"The African Co Present Richard III" Dir: Courtney Helper, Riverside

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" Dir: Richard Spaul,
Duke Of York's Theatre, West End

"Goldmines" Dir: Nadia Molinari,
Clean Break Theatre Co/ National tour

"Adventures Of Pinnochio" Dir: Richard Gill,
Beaufort Theatre, Wales

"The Footballers Wife" Dir: Jo Carter,
The Purcell Room/ Riverside Studios

Film/ TV

"Lifeblood" Dir: John McMullin/ Teresa Mulqueen, Raindance
"The Emigrants" Dir: Piers Wilkie, BBC
"Whodunnit" Dir: Ming Wong, BFI
"Fathers, Sons & Unholy Spirits" Dir: Danny Thompson Channel 4

Agent: Clive Corner Associates 0208 332 1910

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