Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Marc Llewelyn Jones

crickhowell / abergavenny , powys

to Marc Llewelyn Jones
D.O.B: 29th August 1977 Build: Medium / Large Height: 1m 83 cm /
6? 0?

Hair: Dark Brown Nationality: Welsh / British


College / UniversityUniversity
of HertfordshireHND
Performing Arts (Majoring in Drama)Bridge Theatre Training Company
Diploma in ActingText and Acting Workshops
Gordon Anderson (Royal Court Theatre)

Berkoff WorkshopsMark
Akrill (BTTC)

Melodrama WorkshopsMark
Bowden (BTTC)

Dance Classes (English Country Dance)Various
Tutors (BTTC)

he WorkshopPeter

Theatre Experience

Masterpieces TrevorDir.Rosemary

As You Like It Duke Senior Dir.Juliet Morton

One for the Road(SchoolsTour) Nicholas Dir. Marc Jones / Kani Naim ?Yakup

Confusions (American East Coast Tour)
Mr. Pearce Dir.Giles Alderson

Three Birds Alighting on a Field Auctioneer/Sir Phillip Dir.Juliet

Seven (British Premier) Goldie Dir.Les Tucker

Much Ado About Nothing Benedict Dir.Mark Akrill

Night Must Fall Dan
Dir.Mark Akrill

TV, Film and Video

Election Day British touristChannel
7 New Zealand Dir. Ross Wyatt

The I Inside Security GuardCF1
Productions Dir.Roland Richter

Four Feathers Feature Film Core Soldier Belhaven
Productions Dir. Shaker Kapur

Into the Void Police OfficerBBC
Dir. Suri Krishunama

Nuts and Bolts Drama Series
PC Young HTV Wales (Series 1&2) Dir.Peter Edwards

Welsh Foods Advert Husband
S4C Dir. Chris Jones

Anazapta Feature Film Soldier/Body double CF1 Productions
Mind to Kill Drama series Police officer Fiction Factory Dir. Various
The Bench Drama series Clerk of the Court BBC Television Dir. Emlyn Williams

Other television experience : Paratrooper , Band of Brothers, Vet , Down to Earth (BBC), Admin , Casualty (BBC), Store assistant , Ghost Hunter, Clubber Belonging (BBC) and other various extra and walk-on roles.

Skills / Hobbies / Interests
Various English regional accents and foreign accents. Am a very experienced horse rider. Keeping fit, football, golf, cricket, rugby, shooting, fishing, farming, reading and travelling. I also play the guitar.

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