Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Owen  Staton


to Owen  Staton
Actor ,Storyteller and Childrens entertainer Age 32yrs
Height 6 feet Weight 14 Stone Brown Hair/eyes Medium Build Collar 16 inches Waist 34 inches I/leg 32

Associate of the Victoria College of Music and Drama in London(hons) currently studying for an award of Fellowship to the same college.

1992-1994 University of Glamorgan HND Public Administration
1984-1989 Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr- 7 GCSE PASSES grades A-C

1996-2005 Propriator of Twrch Trwyth theatre in Education company

During this time Owen ran and performed as a storyteller and Actor for his own company Twrch Trwyth . Trwyth specialized in school and Museum visits
offering National curriculum theatre in education for Children of Primary school age working in Welsh and English.

Owen wrote produced and performed in many productions including the Critically acclaimed 'Ballad of Edgar Evans' (Featured on Newyddion S4C 'April 2000) ' storytelling at Swansea Museum on a regular basis and many school visits.

In 1998 and 1999 Owen Performed Culhwch ag Olwen at St Donats storytelling festival near Cardiff to Critical acclaim During this time Owen also worked as a freelance actor playing small roles in Pobol Y Cwm , Glanhafren , Halan yn Y Gwaed for BBC/HTV/S4C.

Owen Played the Role of Benadict- in Torchheart theatre?s production of Much ado about Nothing in 1999 director Phil Burgess ? touring Yorkshire
and Lancashire- has worked as a performer at the Royal Armories in LEEDS .

Owen has worked as a performer for The York dungeons ? and Ghost Tours of York as well as playing the part of Richard in Torchheart theatre
production of Richard 3rd in 2000 Director Phil Burgess , touring Yorkshire.

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