Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Dancer
Laura Jane Hackett


to Laura Jane Hackett
I have recently completed my BA(Hons) Dance Degree at Bretton Hall College in Leeds, Leeds University.

My future ambition is to be a choreographer of my own company. I have worked with dance in education which i found exctining and rewarding, i have worked with youth companies from a young age of six, i have worked within community dance where i found a passion for linking both community and proffesional dance and communication and i have also worked alongside professional dance.

I am moving to Pembrokeshire to live as i am marrying in late november my fiance who is in the army.
I have lived in the North East all my life where my passion for dance began of late i have been contacted for a job in dance education in Newcastle College however i regret i cannot accept it with this move. I am now beginning my search for a project that i can reallt focus on in Wales.

For my any information, contact or full cv please email me,

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