Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Daniel Lloyd


to Daniel Lloyd
Uchder/Height: 5ft 11ins

Gwallt/Hair: Blonde

Llais Canu: Bariton/Baritone

Acen/Natural accent: North Wales/Gogledd Cymru

Languages/Ieithoedd:Cymraeg/Welsh, English/Saesneg

BBC Carleton Hobbs Finalist 2004


Role/Rol Production/Cynhyrchiad Director/Cyf.

Mark Duck (Film) Edward Hicks

Neil Rafts And Dreams Simon Dunmore

Tewson Fen John Gillett

Emmanuel Widows Amanda Hill

Algernon The Importance of Kate Versey
Being Earnest

Bob Pack Of Lies (Radio) David Blount

Various Sgript Cymru Workshop Elen Bowman

De Fflores Y Ffeirio Nic Ros
(Theatr Gwynedd)

Adie Cyfaill Arfog Jane Owen
(Theatr Clwyd)

Jiwdas Nene Ene Jane Owen

BADC Stage Combat Basic (Gold Star)
Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Mandolin, Harmonica, Keyboard, Composing.

Cymraeg, Welsh, Liverpool, Llundain/London, American, Lancashire, West

Cyfansoddwr yr Opera Roc Nene Ene i Ysgol Morgan Llwyd ac Eisteddfod
Genedlaethol Cymru 2001.
Composer of the Rock Opera Nene Ene performed at the National Eiteddfod in
Sesiwn C2 BBC Radio Cymru

Training at East 15 Acting School

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