Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Grainne Joughin


to Grainne Joughin
D.O.B 10/02/1981
Nationality British
Height 5'3"
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Green
Dress Size 10

Accents:Scottish, Irish, American, French, Cockney, Scouse, Geordie, Queen's English.

Personal Description

Takes a focussed, professional approach when working, can take direction well and also likes to provide original ideas if required. When given a role, she will take time to comb through the depths of her character in order to give her best performance time and time again. Extremely easy going and loves to socialise.

Likes to maintain her appearance, keep fit, and to keep her 'look' up to date.

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