Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
Mared Swain


to Mared Swain
Molliere Imaginaire-Sioned-Directed by Alison Hindell for BBC Radio 4

Mattie and Bluebottle-Millie-Directed by Alison Hindell for BBC Radio 4

Ecstasy-Martha Simmonds-Directed by Firenza Guidi for ELAN Wales.

The House of Bernarda Alba-Martirio-Directed by Martin Houghton for RWCMD.

Amser Canser-Mared-Cyfarwyddwyd gan Jamie Garven ar gyfer CBCDC.

Mill on the Floss-2nd Maggie-Directed by Paul Jepson for RWCMD.

Blythe Spirit-Maddame Arcati-Directed by Simon Green for RWCMD.

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