Theatre in Wales

Actors dancers and other performers in Wales

Performers in Wales

Category: Actor
stewart  strahan

penyrheol , west glamorgan

to stewart  strahan
A varied performer with a wide range of capabilaties. At home with musicals, comedy,melodrama and straaight Acting.

Shakespeare Performances include:-

Richard III ( Richard ), Macbeth, A Midsummers Night dream, Loves Labour Lost .

Musicals include :-
Assasins ,Guys and Dolls, Into the Woods,Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,Little Shop of Horrors.

Plays include :-
The Cherry Orchard ,David Copperfield ,Fuente Ovejuna , Out of the Frying Pan.

I am also capable of Various Technical roles as I have worked in the following Fields when not Acting :-
Lighting Design and operations
Stage Management.
Sound engineer

I have been described as a versatile Performer with a mature approach to all aspects of performance, enjoying both the rehearsal process and then the Technical rehearsals .

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