Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)


Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

North Road
CF10 3ER

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 029 20 391 391
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brief history
hanes cryno
The Welsh College of Music and Drama is the national conservatoire for Wales. It was founded in 1949 when it was housed in Cardiff Castle and, in 1974, moved to its purpose-built premises in the Castle Grounds, just a few hundred yards from the city centre. With over 300 performances a year, there is a wide range of performance opportunities available in one of the WCMD's six venues, or further afield at venues in Wales, the United Kingdom and beyond.

The College is an international community attracting students from Wales, other parts of the UK, Europe and abroad and most courses are taught through the medium of English. Students and staff enjoy a truly international working environment and the College regards its international links as particularly important. Recent years have seen collaborations with institutions in New South Wales, Australia, Singapore, Hungary, the Seychelles, France, Germany, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. As one of the UK's eight conservatoires, WCMD enjoys a unique position in Wales as the only provider of vocational, professional training in music and drama at conservatoire level.

There are currently 530 students and there is a high rate of employment amongst recent graduates. Former students are to be found working in major symphony and chamber orchestras in the UK and abroad and in a wide range of theatre companies large and small including: Royal Opera House, Philharmonia Orchestra, Royal National Theatre, Welsh National Opera, many West End productions, Northern Ballet and Royal Shakespeare Company. Graduates are also seen and heard regularly on TV and radio.

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