Theatre in Wales

Amateur theatre and drama groups in Wales


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Loose Cannons

phone 01407 760511
contact person Allan Williams
web site
artistic policy Loose Cannons are probably one of the smallest theatre companies in the Principality, consisting of only three full-time members! But with over 50 years of performing between them, they have been very successful since their inauguration in 1999.

They stage two major productions per year as well as competing in several drama festivals. They have performed at festivals in England, Wales and Ireland, but their greatest success came in 2005, when they took the award for "Best Staged Production" at the All-Wales One-Act Drama Final in Colwyn Bay.
They have recently won the Anglesey One-Act Drama Festival 2006 with one of their own plays, "A Perfect Day'. This script will be available for performance from June 2006. Visit their website for more information.
This year they will be making a film of one of their own short plays. Set in Victorian England, it is a ghost story of deceipt and betrayal entitled "Deadly Legacy". The one-act version of this paly is also available for performance.
Watch this space for more information, as with only three members, they are sure to be looking for more actors and extras for the film. Unfortunately, there probably won't be any money to pay, but as with all amateur productions, it's the joy of taking part that counts!




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